Meet The Orbital Station, Automatic Vaults With Buyback Strategies To Improve Protocol Price Sustainability

Spore Engineering
6 min readMay 5, 2021

Hello everybody, Carlos here in some kind of “Captain’s Log” update, in which I’ll be addressing some of the concerns with the inflationary nature of our staking pools, exposing the upcoming developments and how everything will be interacting together.

The central part or backbone of this planning is going to be around the “Orbital Station” contract, which in simply words will be using the stablecoins from the purchases that people made in our protocol NFT Store, to make automated arbitrages and then performs a buyback/burn operation with the generated vaults yield interests.

In order to achieve this, we as protocol needed to start organizing all of our contracts in a better and more scalable architecture, this is why before we can manage to start working on the Orbital Station, we first need to achieve several other contracts that will work as our protocol base layer (and also burning mechanisms).

Up next you can check a diagram scheme with the proposed contract architecture, please have in mind that all of this is a work in progress, and should be considered as our roadmap for the rest of the year 2021.

Fees, commissions, and tokenomics in general are still being working on.


NFT Store will provide liquidity to the Orbital Station contracts to perform arbitrage on different stablecoins time locked vaults strategies.

These vaults will be automatically created once a certain amount of stablecoins are collected by the NFT Store contract (still not defined the amount for the arbitrage, nor the time to be locked in).

This means that we eventually will have many vaults being created (like an automated lifecycle), providing the protocol with a flow of positive interests to pay some of the rewards that our staking pools give over time.

The way of paying the pool rewards is to build a buyback mechanism that automatically purchases and then burn the SPORE supply from Pancakeswap exchange, this will directly impact the token price to pump on each vault lifecycle.

Along with the exchange buyback mechanism, we will be incorporating for the first time, the protocol treasury contract, which will receive a certain amount of the yield for each vault lifecycle (still not defined the amount), in order to use those funds in necessary protocol improvements.

In this first product iteration (remember that our primary goal now is to provide tools and mechanisms for price sustainability), we also wanted to take into account our stakers to be benefited in some way for it, giving them the possibility to earn some of the pool yield lifecycle rewards (still not defined the amount), to those who have at least one active farming pool and the Traveler Shuttle NFT Card (next version will enable private vaults for stakers).

Stakers who participate in the Orbital Station strategies vaults will also be granted with Trust Points NFT Cards in return, these tokens will be used in the future for building trust and credibility among the community, giving the holder more access to products and capabilities inside the protocol .

Those Trust Points will also determine how much active vaults can have each participant at the same time (more Trust Points = more open slots).

Up next I’ll leave a reference of each new participant in this contract architecture, so you all can have a better understanding of the overall picture.

Docking Center

  • Contract: Docking Center.
  • Purposes: Centralizes pools information in order to provide a better gateway to interact among the rest of the protocol contracts, along with specific business rules that may apply; Also a webservice/API will be enabled for third party implementations.
  • Requisites: None.
  • Mechanisms: None.


  • Contract: Arbitrage Buyback.
  • Purposes: Automatically performs the buyback and burn mechanism directly on Pancakeswap exchange with the generated stablecoin yield by the Orbital Station strategies vaults over theirs lifecycles; This action will contribute to bring the token price up.
  • Requisites: none.
  • Mechanisms: Burn, Buyback.

Orbital Station

  • Contract: Orbital Station.
  • Purposes: Maintains the strategies pool contracts running, coordinates the buyback and burn mechanism with the exchange, and the yield reward distribution among the participants.
  • Requisites: Enrolled in the Traveler Shuttle contract.
  • Mechanisms: Strategies vaults, yield.

Traveler Shuttle

  • Contract: Traveler Shuttle.
  • Purposes: Centralizes stakers information in order to provide a better gateway to interact among the rest of the protocol contracts, along with specific business rules that may apply.
  • Requisites: Have at least 1 active staking pool, have the Traveler Shuttle NFT Card (bought with SPORE).
  • Mechanisms: Burn.

NFT Store

  • Contract: NFT Store.
  • Purposes: Provides a gateway for customers to acquire different NFT tokens, they can be purchased with SPORE to act as a burning mechanism, or for stablecoins which later will be used in the Orbital Station strategies vaults.
  • Requisites: None.
  • Mechanisms: Burn, Liquidity provider.


  • Contract: Treasury.
  • Purposes: Treasury will receive part of the yield generated by the Orbital Station strategies vaults, this will help the protocol in funding new proposals among other improvements like exchange listings. This will also serve as backup in case anything goes south.
  • Requisites: None.
  • Mechanisms: None.

Vault Strategies

  • Contract: Vault Strategy.
  • Purposes: Generates yield farming using the stablecoins from the NFT Store contract, they are time locked and created automatically once a certain amount of assets are gathered, maintaining a continuous vault creation lifecycle.
  • Requisites: Enrolled in the Traveler Shuttle contract.
  • Mechanisms: Farm, Yield.

New NFT Incorporations

  • Traveler Shuttle NFT Card: Bought with SPORE, non-transferable token needed to participate in the Traveler Shuttle Contract.
  • Orbital Station NFT Card: Bought with SPORE, non-transferable token needed to participate in the Orbital Station Vault Contracts.
  • Trust Points NFT Card: Meant to be a “Credibility Score”, non-transferable/purchasable tokens, awarded by maintaining a good behavior inside the protocol, these tokens doesn’t have market price because they are used internally by the protocol, to perform automatic business rules that grants or restricts certain actions to users.

