Spore Swap, Interact With Pancakeswap v1 Liquidity Pool Contracts, Directly From Our Platform

Spore Engineering
3 min readMay 12, 2021

Hello everyone, Carlos here in another project update, today we will discuss about our new swap implementation, and how it enables the v1 liquidity pool contracts from Pancakeswap directly on our platform, giving everyone the chance to operate in a more easily and trustworthy way among the pools.

Spore Swap, dark theme by default [https://swap.spore.engineering]

Now, when you interact with our swap, it will be no necessary to add the token address manually, it will be automatically displayed on the available asset list by default using the SPORE symbol.

Just write SPORE and it will be displayed [https://swap.spore.engineering]

Pool Links Updated

All links on the staking and farming sites has been updated to point to the Spore Swap, so you don’t need to do any extra steps in order to be beneficed with this update, just clear browser cache and temporary navigation data if needed.

Please have in mind that v1 is just for the liquidity pair contracts, this means that everyone can operate normally among the rest of Pancakeswap products from our swap.

How We Achieve This

In order to mount our own copy of the Pancakeswap v1 interface, the first step was to clone their official repository.


Then we needed to look for the commit that disables the buttons on the UI side, in this case, we used the 3e73dcb2827ae3993a882f7d48e86996aa6f071c commit to retrieve all the code until that point, this was mayorly because it was the previous modification before the v2 release on Friday Apr 23th.


Official Links


Credits for the image: https://www.deviantart.com/karanak/art/Horizon-USSR-space-station-754960963



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