We’r now live in Binance Smart Chain Main net!
9th February 2021.
Dear Community,
Looking forward to accelerating the adoption of Spore Token for farmers and stakeholders. and due to the huge gas fee of the Ethereum Network we’ve decided to jump into the Binance Smart Chain. Since 4th February we have been live in the following links:
Swap in PancakeSwap, Stake and Mining in our project’s beta Dapp.
Two days after our launch in the BSC main net the telegram group jumped from 50 to 258 members and we reached over 3000 transactions in Pancake!. Welcome to all newcomers! Please be aware that this project is still on rails to his final version and we’r all early adopters of Spore.
Due to our early stage, many fundamentals are about to be discussed along with the community. If you’ve just came with us there is a short FAQ in our Telegram Channel so far:
Max Supply?
-Still undefined. By now the only way of mint new Spores is in our Liquidity Mining and Stake Platform.
Any Audit so far?
-No Audits yet. But you can know our team or read the article in Cointelegraph (Spanish) about the developer’s project here. A paid Audit will be considered as soon as we can afford it.
Which Wallets may I use?
-It was thought to use Metamask but community members have reported success with Trust Wallet also.
Any listing coming?
-Yes! We’ve already applied to CoinGecko listing the 8th of February. And we are looking forward to more listings eg. Bscscan.com yield farming List.
Were you in the Ethereum network before?
-Yes. We were on the Ethereum for several months. Reaching the maximum price of 0.60USD. The project has growth fast within the decision of relaunching it in the BSC Main net.
Is there a White paper?
-There is no White paper yet, it’s about to come. By the moment you can find further information in Spore’s Github and also in Bscscan
Join our Telegram community and be an early adopter of Spore!