Introducing The Chieftains, Create Voting Proposals & Approve DAO Expenses Automatically

Spore Engineering
6 min readJun 24, 2021

Hello Everyone, Carlos here in another protocol update, this time you will finally start to see how all the previous weeks of work comes together into our own custom DAO proposal, to govern and manage the protocol with the help of our community, for which we created a custom contract called The Chieftains that gathers everything together.

This is also part of the Orbital Station roadmap, integrating the Gnosis Safe protocol to manage DAO funds, along with the Snapshot protocol to vote and govern DAO proposals, all of these comes together into our own DAO UI.



The DAO town hall (dashboard), have many indicators of interest that resumes our protocol in numbers, for example, you can see our token price, token supply, current market cap and the total value locked (TVL) of all the active staking and farming pools.

Protocol information

As we stated previously, there will be two Gnosis safe wallets, one in charge of storing the DAO assets (managed by Chieftains), and the other to store and burn the SPORE tokens collected by fees and NFT purchases.

For easily access you can check both on the DAO dashboard, with theirs respective links to the Safe and the BSCScan contract.

DAO safes information

There’s also DAO statics that shows in real time the total assets in the DAO safe, the total tokens to burn from the DAO burning wallet, and the open active voting proposals on Snapshot, to easily keep track of all components that shapes our DAO.

DAO general statics

Finally, a list of all the active Chieftains will be displayed publicly, and that’s all the information we will share and display for Chieftains, only public address.

Chieftains list table

The Chieftains

There only can be 7 active Chieftains at the same time, and they will be in charge of managing the DAO assets on the safe (approving or rejecting transaction by signing them), and to create new voting proposals on Snapshot to govern over the protocol decisions.

The main reason to only have 7 Chieftains active at the same time, its because every decision over the DAO safe wallet have to be approved for at least 5 Chieftains in order to succeed, this will prevent any bad behavior in case a Chieftain have to be casted out.

In order to applies as Chieftain, the applicant needs to have $50 BUSD balance on its wallet and the DAO Member card NFT, once applied, the $50 BUSD will reside in the Chieftain contract until an admin approves the applicant as Chieftain, being the funds available for withdrawal from the user at anytime until this happens. Once approved, the user funds will be transferred to the DAO safe.

All applicants can track their status above the request form, along with the overall pending requests.

For users who aren’t participating, it will show that they have 0 pending requests.

You don’t have any Chieftain request pending

For users that applies to Chieftains, it will show that your request is pending, and also a button to cancel the request at anytime in order to retrieve the user funds back.

Your request to Chieftain is pending

And lastly, if you were already approved as Chieftain, you will have a cute horse chess piece to be proud of, the $50 BUSD will be transferred automatically to the DAO safe, and you’ll become active to create proposals on Snapshot and manage the DAO safe funds.

You are already a Chieftain

I believe the next can be a little bit shocking for the most of you, but is needed in order to keep a sane environment with real people behind (because all applicants needs to be manually approved by an admin), hopefully you all will understand this.

Register new Chieftain form

The next is a little bit technical, but is to ensure you all that by contract design there’s only 2 methods that retrieve the applicant information, and both requires that the one who consult it has to be an admin, and I'm the only admin so just I can see the details for the applicants.

Those data don’t interact in the DAO UI at all so your data is always private and doesn’t travel anywhere.

Chieftain contract showing the private nature of the user information

All Chieftains will have access to a private channel inside our Discord server called War Room, to talk and coordinate the protocol work.

War Room channel on Discord server

The Safes

There will be two different safes, one to take care of the DAO funds (managed by the Chieftains), and another to store the SPORE tokens to be burned in the future (burning wallet).

The DAO safe can store any different kind and numbers of assets, and to use them it will be required that all the Chieftains approves (signs) the transactions before they took place.

The other safe, also called the burner wallet safe, will store only SPORE tokens to be burned in the future.

The Voting Platform

Chieftains will be also able to create new voting proposals on Snapshot to govern over our protocol

And for all the proposals that needs to be more in depth discussed, we have prepared an special Discord channel to address them.

Proposals channel on Discord server

The NFT Store

For now our primary burning mechanism is the NFT store, transferring all the NFT purchases directly and entirely to the burning wallet to be burned in the future.

You can easily check the purchases in the transactions tab inside the burning wallet.

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